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Charged Up, Week 2 Recap; Team 4392 | The Deceivers
2023-01-23 16:09 Quick update:   CAD is mostly complete. We need to finalize the intake and tweak our gripper a bit and then add the electronics. Otherwise it is pretty much done. Manufacturing parts is coming along...
Charged Up, Week 1 Recap; Team 4392 | The Deceivers
2023-01-15 16:01 Week One:   Aside from wheels which we are waiting on from REV, we got our drivetrain done. I think this is the fastest we have ever had a drivetrain built, and it is a custom swerve drive.   Init...
Rapid React, Week 15 Recap; Team 4392 | The Deceivers
2022-04-28 01:11 we named the robot Icarus on a whim after I made a joke about the turret "looking too far to the left," and strangling itself, much like the fable of Icarus flying too close to the sun. the fable of I...
2022 Reveal ICARUS; Team 4392 | The Deceivers
2022-03-17 04:06 much like the fable of Icarus, we, too, may have flown too close to the sun. let's hope we can learn from his mistakes.