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Here in the blogs is where we document our progress throughout the season
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How To Watch Us Live
2023-03-28 16:16
Part One How To Watch Us Live Go to the The Deceiver's "The Blue Alliance" page, found here. This page has a section for all of the competitions The Deceivers will be competing at eac...
2023 FRC Robot SHOWCASE ACHILLES; Team 4392 | The Deceivers
2023-03-02 15:51
hey have you guys heard of the cautionary tale of achilles? we're pretty sure there was a lesson to be learned but we're currently too busy trying to get our intake to work. sure hope someone ...
Charged Up, Week 4 Recap; Team 4392 | The Deceivers
2023-02-07 16:17
Here is a recap of week 4. Robot is coming along nicely. Still need to work on the intake, but there is a shelf we can pick up from if we don’t figure out the intake in time for week 1. https://y...
Charged Up, Week 3 Recap; Team 4392 | The Deceivers
2023-01-30 16:13
Week 3 CAD is complete except for the intake. The intake is long. Not a big fan of that. Our handoff also occurs outside the frame perimeter which also isn’t great. The plan is for the handoff...